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Is Gazelle a scam?

A scam a lot of people run is they buy a phone from a carrier, sell the phone and never pay a dime to the carrier. If they’re quick enough, they get a payout from before being flagged by the network. We’ve seen multiple stories like this before here. It seems the resellers don’t really care as long as they can sell the phone.

Can you sell a gazelle phone?

Gazelle services such as buying, trading and selling pre owned devices are exclusive to If you’re all ready to sell your device, this Gazelle phones review will give you a step by step guide on how to do so. This applies for all devices listed on their website.

Does Gazelle verify if a phone has been fully paid off?

They cannot verify if a phone has been fully paid off! Seems like a contradiction. I have purchased three phones from Gazelle without problems. However, they were all unlocked (i.e., not tied to a single network). I am thinking that an unlocked phone would not have this problem, since networks don't remove the locks until the phone is paid off.

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